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Every successful leader gets
stuck now and then.

Common Topics I Tackle With My Clients

 1:1 coaching

- Leadership presence
- Difficult conversations
- Personal brand
- Enhanced creativity
- Individual contributor
   to manager
- Delegation
- Team building
- Burnout prevention
- Purpose
- Career navigation

- Effective communication
- Silence inner critic
- Psychological safety
- Respond vs react
- Strategic thinking

Most of my clients call when they are at a pivot point:

  • The skills that served them in past positions are no longer as effective in current more senior ones.
  • When new interpersonal dynamics demand new powers of persuasion.
  • When changes in senior management or market dynamics create uncertainty or instability.
  • Where the joy and fire that used to fuel their passion has diminished.

My coaching approach is rooted in the 4C’s of clarity:





Becoming aware of everything that is NOT the issue at hand, old unworkable beliefs or implicit biases that limit possibility.

Generating a range of options to handling a situation even when you think there’s only one way to proceed.

Thoughtful discernment to guide decision-making beyond weighing pros and cons.

Finding the most effective, authentic and powerful words to express your idea, your intention or your objective to inspire and enroll others.

"The best way I know to stop the swirl is to help my clients get to the                              ." 

heart of the matter

"The best way I know to stop the swirl is to help my clients get to the                                      ." 

I come to coaching with the assumption that my clients are whole, wise, and highly knowledgeable about the nature of their own personal and professional development. I believe that when leaders can get to the heart of the matter - that place where they are in touch with their most authentic selves and where they can see clearly what really matters–– then they are able to access their own creativity and identify the ideas, actions and path forward.  

Therefore, my primary role as a coach is to draw out your wisdom through inquiry, curiosity, gentle provocations, and challenges that help you get to the heart of the matter at hand. 

"With Julie as my coach, I’m able to better work towards my goals of being a strategic, compassionate, and impactful leader."

With Julie as my coach, I’m able to better work towards my goals of being a strategic, compassionate, and impactful leader. Her experience as an executive at a large corporation and a Founder/CEO of a startup, coupled with her coaching training and toolbox, makes her the ideal partner for anyone wishing to level up their leadership. Working with Julie has enabled me to accelerate my growth and work through obstacles by finding my unique voice within the firm, increasing my influence, and getting the best from my team. As a senior person, it's a gift to have a safe and confidential place to be unsure, vulnerable, creative, authentic...and emerge buoyed and reminded of my power and talents.

~Kindra Tatarsky, Managing Director, Touchdown Ventures

"Julie has given me a place to work through problems and strategize tough conversations so I can quickly and confidently move forward."

Julie has been an invaluable resource and partner for me as I’ve moved into an executive leadership role. Having spent 30+ years in advertising herself, including time as an agency CEO, we’ve been able to get right into the meat of conversations instead of spending time unpacking the the dynamics of my role. She has helped me redefine what success looks like and reallocate my time to the things that will bring the most value to the agency, my team and my clients – less doing, more refining how I lead. Perhaps most importantly, Julie has given me a place to work through problems and strategize tough conversations so I can quickly and confidently move forward. Her style is to ask questions that help me organize my own thoughts. I deeply trust her opinion, but I always leave our conversations more clear on my own.


"She has a gift of being able to pick up on things in my thought patterns that I don’t even notice."

I sincerely love my time with Julie. She has a gift of being able to pick up on things in my thought patterns that I don’t even notice, and she immediately became a different (and often more rational) voice in my head to allow me to rethink my approach to problems. She always probes when I use language that is judgmental or too extreme, and she helps me reframe and brand things in a way that allow me to think more clearly about how to make the most out of the ambiguity of many situations. I’m grateful to have Julie in my corner, and I know I’m a better business professional and leader because of my time with her.

~Brittney, Director Danone

"Her authentic style and relentless focus on her clients' success comes through in every interaction."

I've been working with Julie for over a year as my Executive Coach. Our relationship started when I was stepping into a new leadership position and was looking for a coach who could help me grow and navigate the challenges of my new role. I was lucky enough to be connected with Julie and I couldn't be happier! Her authentic style and relentless focus on her clients' success comes through in every interaction. Julie is an attuned listener, crystallizer of stream of conscious ramblings, and unearth-er of solutions that tap into my own authenticity. She asks probing questions to help me focus my challenges, guides my thought process, helps me identify tactical actions and next steps, and when needed, is both cheerleader and straight-talking advisor at the same time.

~Sonja, VP, Veeva Systems

"Working with her on the tough challenges the corporate world presents is invaluable to me as a leader"

Used to be that when we got on a call with Julie, I would be sure that she couldn’t possibly help us navigate ‘THIS crazy challenge’…but when she did guide us through (seemingly effortlessly and always with so much patience and kindness) time after time, I changed my tune to, ‘I can’t wait to bring this to Julie because I know she’ll help us through.’ Working with her on the tough challenges the corporate world presents is invaluable to me as a leader, to our company, and ultimately to the clients we serve. 

- Julie Roads, Chief Creative Officer, MJMCreative

1:1 Coaching

Leadership Coaching Services

Team Coaching


Workshop Facilitation



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